Children's Urological Issues and Interventions

Let's break down the most common urologic surgical procedures for both inpatient and outpatient settings, along with insights into pediatric urological conditions and treatments:


  1. Kidney Removal (Nephrectomy): Surgical extraction of a kidney.
  2. Renal Pelvis Reconstruction (Pyeloplasty): Surgical restoration of the renal pelvis, alleviating uretero-pelvic junction (UPJ) obstructions.
  3. Ureteral Reimplantation: Surgical relocation of the ureter into the bladder wall to prevent urine reflux.
  4. Ureteral Stent Placement: Insertion of a tube into the ureter to prevent or treat urine flow obstructions.


  1. Circumcision: Surgical removal of the foreskin from the penis.
  2. Cystoscopy: Endoscopic examination of the urinary bladder through the urethra.
  3. Excision of Hydrocele
  4. Hypospadias Correction: Surgical intervention to reconstruct a functional penis.
  5. Inguinal Hernia Repair
  6. Meatoplasty
  7. Orchiopexy: Surgery to move an undescended testicle into the scrotum.
  8. Repair of Buried Penis/Penile Torsion/Chordee
  9. Scrotoplasty

Now, let's dive into some pediatric urological conditions and their treatments:

Bedwetting and Urinary Problems in Children:

Bedwetting affects around 9 million children annually. Dr. Joseph Barone's book, “It’s Not Your Fault!,” explores bedwetting, toilet training problems, and common urinary issues. Treatment involves thorough evaluation and, if needed, a bedwetting alarm system or medications.

Circumcision and Correction:

State-of-the-art techniques are used for safe foreskin removal. Correction involves plastic surgery techniques to restore normal form and function with minimal postoperative care.

Urinary Tract Infections:

Common bacterial infections may require referral to a pediatric urologist. Diagnosis includes urine analysis, culture, and a course of oral antibiotics. Post-infection, kidney and bladder testing may be ordered to check for underlying issues.

Urinary Tract Obstructions:

Often diagnosed prenatally; monitoring is crucial to detect cases that may worsen over time. Hydronephrosis may resolve on its own, but regular monitoring is advised.


Surgical repair creates a functional and normal-looking penis. "No touch" technique used for safe repairs.

Pediatric Orchiopexy (Undescended Testis):

Aims to move an undescended testis into its normal position to prevent infertility.


Dilated veins repaired using laparoscopic, microscopic, or robotic techniques.

Meatal Stenosis:

Narrowing of the urethral opening corrected using plastic surgery techniques.

Testis Torsion:

Surgical correction to restore blood flow.

Labial Adhesions:

Repaired using plastic surgery techniques to restore normal function.

Kidney Stones:

Various procedures performed to remove or reduce the size of stones.

UPJ Obstruction:

Robotic techniques used in pyeloplasty to relieve the obstruction.

Vesicoureteral Reflux:

Corrected with minimally invasive approaches.

Spina Bifida and Neurogenic Bladder:

Neurogenic bladder complications addressed with treatments to improve urination.

MACE (Malone Anterograde Continence Enema):

Surgical procedure aiding children with bowel control issues.

Mitrofanoff Procedure:

Performed when a child cannot empty their bladder normally.

Bladder Augmentation:

Surgical procedure to increase bladder size and prevent kidney damage caused by small or stiff bladders.

This comprehensive guide covers a wide range of pediatric urological concerns and the corresponding interventions to ensure the well-being of the little ones.

The content on this website serves as a general summary for public information only. This information is not medical advice, nor does it act as a replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. For inquiries about a medical condition, it is essential to consult with a doctor or another qualified health professional.

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Pediatric urology