Uresta‚s got your back (and your bladder).
Liberating, life-saver gamechanger‚ are just a few of the words women use to describe Uresta (just check out our testimonials). After years of putting up with leaks, using pads, and limiting their activities, women find Uresta makes a huge difference, physically and mentally. It‚ the quality device that will definitely improve the quality of your life:
- Exercise, sneeze, cough, laugh, and jump without worry
- FDA and Health Canada cleared
- Hypoallergenic medical-grade resin
- Doesn't absorb odors or bacteria
- Doesn't increase infections
- Wear all day, or just when exercising
- Invented, created, and made in Canada
Finally, get rid of the unwanted pee.
Don‚t let unwanted pee get in the way of exercising, or your life. Uresta is the gamechanger you‚ve been waiting for. It‚s safe. It‚s comfortable. You can easily insert and remove it yourself. You can wear it all day and it‚s reusable. It‚s the little device that does a lot.
Take our free assessment to check if Uresta will work for your bladder issue, then discover just how it will transform your life.