Miyazaki Vaginal Vault Repair set is used to repair the prolapse of the vaginal vault. Complications after vaginal hysterectomy can cause vaginal vault prolapse. Several negative impacts affect women‚s quality of life, such as urinary, anorectal, and sexual dysfunction. Some patients with vault prolapse present other conditions such as cystocele, rectocele, or enterocoele.
Minerva Health Solutions Inc. supports providers with products to increase women‚s quality of life.
Description | Length | Qty |
Adson Nerve Hook, Sharp | 200mm, 8" | 1 |
Breisky NavratilVaginal Retractor | 100 x 25mm blade | 1 |
Miyazaki Hook | 200 mm, 8‚ | 1 |
Miyazaki Speculum with notch | N/A | 1 |
Made in Germany.